Roxana Merino Martinez


I work as Project Manager at Karolinska Institutet (Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics) and I am involved in national and EU projects related to informatics infrastructures for biomedical research and biobanking (BioMedBridges, BiobankCloud, RD-Connect, B3Africa). I have a background in computer engineering and informatics and I have experience in high-throughput data and bioinformatics, biobank data management, data harmonization and integration, project management from conception to execution and sustaining, as well as teaching at university level. I’m a fervent believer in the creed of open-source, open-access and open-science as the driving forces of contemporary science.

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Suyesh Amatya


I have a background in computer and software engineering. I mainly work in the areas of biobanking and research management, LIMS, bio-resource cataloguing, integration of heterogeneous databases and unstructured data, experienced in designing and developing informatics systems for biomedical research/health sciences, etc. I am working as a System Developer at Karolinska Institutet.

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Timo Sipilä



I currently work as a data manager/bioinformatician at Group Palotie (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, FIMM).  I have a background in biological sciences and I also have experience in data sciences and bioinformatics, in efforts to automate and facilitate biological data analysis. During my two post-doctoral projects, I have mainly worked with NGS data from microorganisms, focusing on de novo genome sequencing of fungi and metagenomics of environmental samples. E-mail:

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Victor Yakimov


Victor is a NIASC-employed bioinformatician and is situated in the Danish node. He has a Master’s degree in bioinformatics from Copenhagen University, and a Bachelor’s degree in nanotechnology. He considers himself one-third geneticist, one-third statistician, and one-third programmer. He has experience in machine-learning, RNA-seq, GWAS studies, and on an average days is elbows deep in Python, R, LaTeX, and Bash. He was involved in designing a new, flexible system for the Danish biobank register, and has worked on a Greenlandic metabolic GWAS study. E-mail:

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